Orquideas is a hostel with three different kinds of dormitories, one 6 bed dorm, two basic 8 bed dorms, one 8 bed dorm with its own bathroom and 5 private rooms. Located in the heart of Cancun downtown, this location helps travelers to have easy access to public transportation, Banks, supermarkets, etc.
The goal of the hostel is to make travelers feel at home and get the best experience when they visit this beautiful city of Cancun.
They cook breakfast!. They actually cook and provide a filling meal with cake, coffee, tea, fruit, and the main dish which changes every morning. Are you vegetarian or vegan? Don’t worry. they also have an option for you.
The famous dinner is a plus that they give to our guest not only to help your budget travels but also to share a little something with you and create an atmosphere bringing everyone together on a table.
Orquideas Hostel Cancun is about 30 Mins from the airport (on normal traffic conditions).
All our transportations services are private and non-stop.
Calle Orquídeas 25 MZ 15 Lote 23, SM 22, 77500 Cancún, Q.R.